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Holidays and Daily writing update

October 25, 2023  •  Leave a Comment

Holiday SpiritHoliday Spirit


I'm looking forward to the holiday season this year.  I'm more into Halloween than I've been in years and then we get Thanksgiving and Christmas behind that!  One of my favorite parts of Christmas is getting out my Christmas pipes and a tin from my stash of Holiday Spirit from McClelland to smoke with them.  It's a nice aromatic that still has some tobacco flavor in it.

I'm a month plus into my daily goal of writing at least 100 words a day. In the first month, I wrote on about 20 days.. which isn't great but also isn't too shabby when you have not been writing at all.

Most of the posts are pretty mundane, dealing with work and various other things in my day-to-day life.  No real deep thoughts in there, but it helps as a journal to keep plugging away.



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Hello, I'm Gene Bowker and this is my blog, RustedRail's Ramblings!

I currently live in Greer, South Carolina in the Upstate, but am originally from Poway, California. I've lived in the Southeastern US since my college days at Arkansas State. 

I enjoy traveling the backroads of America with my wife Patrice (also a great photographer), photography (my favorites), railroads, and learning about technology and how it will change our lives in every way. 

I've had the chance to work for a variety of companies in many industries over the years and had the chance to live all over the South while working in Manufacturing Management.

You can learn more "About Gene" where I discuss some of my influences.

Feel free to reach out to me at [email protected]

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