Gene Bowker's RustedRail's Ramblings! Who knows what we'll find along the backroads of life.
Hello February
It's hard for me to believe that it is already February 2025. January flew by and here in the Upstate of South Carolina, it brought us our first measurable snow in the three years since we moved up here from Georgia. It wasn't much but it was cold enough to last a few days at least. We also had some very cold weather (for us at least) and another storm which missed us but dumped snow closer to the coast. At FlexQube, it was a month of trying to catch up with a full production calendar and some continuing challenges. We're expanding our production again, so I've been welcoming new members to the team and getting us ready for what should be a much stronger year. The cold weather and workload meant that I didn't get out to get new photos like I'd hoped but as the weather starts to improve I'm already planning to revisit some favorite locations this year and also hopefully explore some new places around the Southeast. My biggest challenge personally for 2025 is working on my work/life balance and getting to the point where I'm able to take more PTO to recharge. 2024 was a year of constant change and 2025 will be a year of growth both personally and in my career. I'm going to focus on making more time to write my thoughts here and share the adventures and challenges with you. Gothenburg - a year later
The end of last January, I travelled to Gothenburg, Sweden to visit the headquarters of FlexQube in Mondal, a suburb. After 50 plus years, I finally had made it to Europe. After a connection in Amsterdam, I made the short flight to Sweden. Staying at the Gothia Towers at the edge of downtown, I was pleasantly surprise to find that my room overlooked one of the main transit stations where a constant stream of trams and buses headed off in every direction. I watched that first evening from my room as they continued late into the night. Loading the app for tickets onto my phone, I experienced the city as a carfree commuter. Taking a tram and bus to work and back each day and using the trams to explore the city. I loved the Central Train station located in the heart of the city. Here was where the trams and buses met the trains which connect the city with the rest of Sweden and the rest of Europe in a non-stop parade. The weather was cold and dreary, but I loved the chance to grab some pictures with my phone at night with all the misty lighting effects. I spent the weekend off riding the different tram lines around the city and discovering a little bit more about day-to-day life. Back here in the US, unless you live in a major city, you are usually bound to your car or very spotty transit services. What a difference between that and my short experience in Sweden.
Santa Fe - An old friend in an unexpected place.
I grew up near San Diego, California and the closest railroad to us was the Sante Fe (ATSF) which had the line between San Diego and Los Angeles (the surfline that the @pacificsurfliner still uses (with more frequency today) and also a few branches.
Out with the old.. goodbye 2024!
Hard to believe that Christmas is over and so is 2024 almost! I'm busy at working trying to help push the last few orders out the door, but I'm looking forward to 2025 how about you? I just wanted to take a moment to thank each of you for reading my posts and I always enjoy reading comments from you about your thoughts on them. It's really a way for me to share some of my images and thoughts on life in general with you. As I look forward to 2025, I'm reflecting on what 2024 has been. - I started the year in January by traveling to Sweden (and Europe) for the first time in my life. It took way to long and I look forward to visiting more of Europe and getting to ride more of the trains there. - At work, we upgraded our ERP computer system in February. I always enjoy learning a new system and also being able to share my knowledge with others. - At work, I was promoted to Site Manager which has brought a lot of extra hours and tasks, but has given me a chance to develop as a leader with my great team in Duncan. - South Carolina, North Carolina and Tennessee survived Hurricane Hele in early October. Despite the destruction and the continued clean-up it has been heart warming to see how the region has pulled together to recover. - I had the chance to make more new images in 2024 than in 2023! I'm looking forward to making and sharing even more in 2025! I really enjoy the time spent with my wife Patrice (a great photographer too) exploring the region and finding new things to record. - I increased the number of posts here on my blog and have seen increased readership. My goal for 2025 is to be even more consistent.
Thanks to everyone again who has shared the journey with me.
let them glow, let them glowwwwww\
We visited the Festival of Trees in Greenville yesterday afternoon which was a great experience again this year. One a weekday afternoon, there were no crowds and we had plenty of time to walk around enjoying the trees and making some photos. Last time, I shared a photo which happened by accident in downtown Greer, so this time I set out to duplicate it which was a little harder than I expected but I was quite happy with the glowing results. Part of the fun of photography is the ability to come up with abstract captures of things to share. Hope you enjoy this one!
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Rustedrailimages - Gene Bowker 2024